Naoto Miyazaki is a sculptor living and working in Tokyo,Japan.
After expressing his art through many kinds of mediums,
He devoted himself to study "forms."
He continues to study shape and composition in the hopes of creating his own style of sculpture.

These days, I no longer judge things based on what they “should” be. This is not a form of giving up, but rather a surrendering of answers to nature, or perhaps a deepened tolerance. There are many points in the process of modeling that require judgment. Should this form bend here or go straight? As I made a series of “tolerant” decisions for each of these points, my work adopted slightly rounded shapes, with their corners removed. In Japan, there is an expression used to describe a person's spiritual growth and maturity: “the corners come off.” I feel this perfectly encapsulates what has happened with my works over the past few years.
Over 15 years ago, my teacher taught me that “a sculpture should never bore the viewer, regardless of the angle.” Since then, I have strived to create harmonious and engaging shapes, even as my style has evolved. Today, however, I am no longer aiming for perfect harmony or beauty in my shapes. Instead, I strive to delve into the essence of the shape, expressing an “existence” that conveys emotions such as pleasure and sorrow, fun and transience.
I hope you can sense this “existence” within my works.
December 2024
「こうありたい」とか、「こうあるべき」といったものを基準にして物事を判断することがなくなりました。 それは決して諦めではなく、答えを自然に委ねるようになった、あるいは寛容性が高まったとも言えるかもしれません。
造形の制作過程にも判断が必要なポイントがたくさんあります。このフォルムは、ここで曲がるのか、もしくは真っ直ぐ行くのか? そうした一つ一つのポイントで ”寛容な”判断を重ねていくと、作品は不思議と角がとれた少し丸みのある形状になっていきました。
人の精神的成長、円熟していく様を意味する言葉で「角がとれる」という表現がありますが、 ここ数年の自分の作品は、まさにそのような表現が当てはまるような気がしています。 「どの角度から見ても観る人を退屈させてはいけない」と15年以上前に師から教えを受けてからというもの、 作風に若干の変化はありつつも、常に調和の取れた飽きのこない形状を目指して制作に励んできました。しかし今私が目指しているのは、完全に調和の取れた美しい形状をつくり出すことではなく、形状の内側にまで踏み込み、喜びや哀しみなどの感情や、 楽しさや儚さなどの情緒を内含する「存在」を表現することです。

"From some time, I came to think "an object may need some flaw to make it even more perfect ".
Deforming the finished shape adds weight and a sense of tension to the work that cannot be felt from a simply beautiful shape.
There are many internal and external factors involved but when you include the mental aspect, human beings are organisms that keep changing or evolving until death.
Recently, I find more white streaks in my hair and beard, I began to feel inconvenienced by my fully grown body.
While I no longer care about trivial things, my curiosity towards molding is becoming more stronger.
September 2020

"My expression is focused on "form".
Straight and curved lines, precision and ambiguity, complexity and monotony.
While searching for the optimum balance between the two, I aim to create a "form" that allows the viewer to discover something from
any angle in 360 degrees."
April 2014

Ace Hotel Kyoto , 2019
2021 / Naoto Miyazaki Exhibition
2020 / Naoto Miyazaki sculpture exhibition
@IDEE Roppongi Midtown
2019 / Naoto Miyazaki Exhibition
@Graphpaper Aoyama
2018 / Naoto Miyazaki
@Curators Cube
2016 / 3 view points
@Playmountain Tokyo
2014 / Naoto Miyazaki Exhibition
sculpture exhibition
2009 / Miyazaki Naoto Exhibition
@Uplink Gallery
2008 / Miyazaki Naoto Exhibition
© 2024 Naoto Miyazaki